BM Offshore warns of fraudulent attempts to order equipment

BM Offshore warns of fraudulent attempts to order equipment

SBM Offshore warns of recent attempts at fraudulent use of the Company’s name by unknown persons.

Several suppliers have notified SBM Offshore that unidentified persons acting as employees of the Company have completed purchase documentation such as credit application forms in an attempt to order equipment in the names of both SBM Offshore, and Imodco, SBM’s Terminals business. Documents that appear to be on official letterhead containing the Company logo, names and signatures have been generated.

Follow-up calls from the vendors requesting confirmation of the credit application revealed the information to be fraudulent. The fraudulent activity that has been notified to SBM Offshore appears to be focused on purchase orders received from and to be shipped to addresses in the USA. The Company has since reported the fraudulent activity to the relevant authorities.

SBM Offshore warns that there are many different ways parties will try to steal or defraud, and that fraudsters are continuously adapting methods. The Company has taken the opportunity to remind employees to remain vigilant at all times, and also urges existing and potential suppliers to be alert in this respect.

Recipients of reportedly fraudulent e-mails and requests are kindly asked to forward the information to our Compliance Department at for verification.