The Crown Estate announces intent to grant seabed rights for wind project offshore UK, subject to HRA

The Crown Estate announces intent to grant seabed rights for wind project offshore UK, subject to HRA

SBM Offshore is pleased to announce that The Crown Estate has confirmed an intention to move forward with the lease process for two 100MW floating wind test and demonstration sites in the Celtic Sea to Llŷr Floating Wind Limited. The formal award will be subject to a Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA), following which, the Llŷr project will progress with environmental assessments and surveys in line with the regulatory consent processes.

This milestone was reached by Floventis Energy Limited, a newly established joint venture between SBM Offshore and Cierco Ltd. focusing on the development of floating wind projects. The joint venture seeks to secure seabed rights and relevant permits before implementing state-of-the-art technologies for floating offshore wind activities, helping to stimulate infrastructure investment, reduce costs and develop supply chain in what will be one of the key UK markets for floating offshore wind.

New Energies and Services Managing Director Severine Baudic commented: “We are very proud of this first key milestone achieved with Cierco through our joint venture Floventis Energy. Our partnership will benefit from the combined expertise of Cierco in project development and SBM Offshore in floating offshore projects. Together, we have the ambition to stimulate and accelerate the floating wind market, while building track-record and local presence.”

CEO Bruno Chabas added: “SBM Offshore is accelerating its energy transition journey with this first milestone in a co-developer role. This is fully in line with our ambition to position the Company in the floating offshore wind business and to support the development of projects from its early phase.”

More information on the strategy of SBM Offshore in the floating offshore wind market will be provided in the upcoming half-year 2021 earnings presentation, on August 5th.

About Cierco

Cierco Ltd is an independent renewable energy project development company established in 2001 with the goal to develop floating wind projects from start to finish; identifying the best innovative technologies for site requirements to maximize economic benefits.

About The Crown Estate

The Crown Estate holds the rights to seabeds around the British Isles, encompassing Wales, England and Northern Ireland.

About HRA Process

The projects will be subject to plan-level Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) to assess possible impacts on protected marine habitats. Subject to the outcome of this plan-level HRA, the applicants could then be granted seabed agreements for lease.

Click here to visit the Floventis Energy website.

Click here to visit the Llyr project website.