Life Day 2024 at SBM Offshore

Life Day 2024 at SBM Offshore

At SBM Offshore, our mission extends far beyond delivering energy solutions—we are committed to safeguarding lives, ensuring the well-being of our colleagues, and maintaining the highest standards in safety and operational excellence. This commitment forms the foundation of our journey toward Target Excellence, where we strive for three key goals: No Harm, No Defects, and No Leaks.

As part of this mission, we dedicate a special day each year to reflect on our successes and explore ways to further improve. This day of celebration, reflection, and renewed dedication is known as LIFE DAY.

What is LIFE DAY?

LIFE DAY is a day when SBM Offshore employees, along with our partners and clients, come together globally—whether on our offshore units, at construction sites, or in our offices—to celebrate our commitment to safety and continuous improvement. It’s a day when we acknowledge the strides we’ve made in protecting our people and planet, while also challenging ourselves to think about how we can do even better in the year ahead.

Target Excellence: The Pillars of Our Safety Commitment

Our Target Excellence initiative is built around three fundamental objectives:

  1. No Harm 🚫 – Ensuring the safety of all our employees and partners. We believe that every incident is preventable and are committed to maintaining a zero-incident workplace.
  2. No Defects 🔧 – Striving for flawless execution in all of our projects and operations, with an emphasis on quality, integrity, and reliability.
  3. No Leaks 💧 – Maintaining a strict environmental stewardship by preventing leaks and minimizing our environmental footprint.

These objectives guide everything we do, from daily operations to long-term strategies. LIFE DAY is an opportunity to reflect on how well we are achieving these targets and to reinforce our dedication to doing even better.

Here’s to another year of working together to achieve Target Excellence. Happy LIFE DAY 2024! 🌍🎉