A New Year baby for Brasa yard

Brasa shipyard in Brazil celebrates the arrival of FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela.

The SBM Offshore vessel berthed safely at the Niteroi-Rio based Brasa yard on Sunday 12th January 2014. She had arrived in Brazilian waters in time for the New Year following her 10,625 Nm (19,678 Km) voyage from China.

Integration of the hull and topsides will commence at Brasa – a joint venture construction shipyard between SBM Offshore and Synergy – where 10 of the vessel’s 18 modules have been built. “The yard has been up and running since July 2012 and Ilhabela is the yard’s first project with ten modules weighing a total of about 12,500 tonnes being built here” says Project Manager Martijn Kleijn. Cidade de Ilhabela is the first FPSO to be integrated at Brasa’s quay number two. Three additional modules were constructed and delivered by EBSE, a Rio yard that SBM works closely with as part of its development of solid local content solutions.

Once in operation FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela will be SBM’s largest FPSO with a total of 22,000 tonnes in topsides. She is the company’s second vessel in the Generation 3 model, engineered to the specifications of the pre-salt fields offshore Brazil. The first is FPSO Cidade de Paraty which achieved first oil in June 2013. The next pair of SBM’s Generation 3 FPSOs under way are FPSOs Cidade de Maricá and Cidade de Saquarema also for offshore Brazil.

“The arrival of FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela to Brazil represents a newsworthy double milestone for SBM Offshore. Firstly the success of SBM’s global project management of her conversion at the CXG yard in China. Secondly as joint venture partners with Synergy in Brasa shipyard we are very proud to welcome her to the quayside for the final integration of ten of her 18 modules, which were built here at Brasa in Niteroi, Rio,” Philippe Levy, Country Director Brazil.

Conversion work on the hull was completed in October 2013 in China and she set sail in November for Brasa shipyard.

FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela

Location: BM-S-9 block – Sapinhoá Field, Partners in Block – Petrobras (45%), BG E&P BRASIL LTDA (30%) and REPSOL YPF BRASIL S.A. (25%), FPSOs will be owned and operated by a Joint Venture company owned by SBM Offshore with other partners including Queiroz Galvão Óleo e Gás S.A.(QGOG).

BRASA – background

In little more than a year, SBM set up a fabrication yard in Niteroi, just across the bay from downtown Rio, dedicated to the company’s own needs.

Undoubtedly the Brasa yard was a significant factor in helping win the Cidade de Maricá and Cidade de Saquarema contract. “Without Brasa we wouldn’t have been in a position to win,” says Philippe Levy, who is yard General Manager in addition to his role as Brazil Country Director for SBM Offshore. “Petrobras gave us the award because we had more capacity for local content”.

Developed in 50:50 partnership with Brazil’s Synergy group, the yard has risen from land in Niteroi that stood empty almost two years ago. “We aim to be seen as a yard that delivers on time,” says Levy. “It’s the mark of SBM and we want to build on this reputation.”

Four FPSOs in four years for Petrobras:

2013 Cidade de Paraty

2014 Cidade de Ilhabela

2015 Cidade de Maricá

2016 Cidade de Saquarema