Q3 2013 Trading Update




  • Year-to-date 2013 Directional1 revenues up 25% to US$2.6 billion, IFRS revenues up 40% to US$3.4 billion
  • FPSO Stones adds US$2.1 billion to Directional1 Backlog which at US$24.4 billion is highest in company history
  • FPSO OSX 2 delivered and paid as per contract
  • FPSO Cidade de Paraty successfully achieved contract milestone for start-up of gas compression and processing
  • Deep Panuke MOPU in production since August although Production Acceptance Notice (PAN) delayed


Bruno Chabas, CEO of SBM Offshore commented: “This has been a period of encouragingly strong growth. The benefits of strategic focus and cultural change are beginning to emerge, recognizing we are still in a transformation phase. We are working as a team, staying close to our clients and bringing our project skills and technology leadership to bear in meeting their challenges.”


Financial Highlights

Year-to-date 2013 Directional1 revenue totalled US$2,573 million versus US$2,062 million in the year-ago period. Directional1 Lease & Operate and Turnkey segment revenues came in at US$814 million and US$1,759 million, up 17% and 29% respectively.

Year-to-date 2013 IFRS revenue totalled US$3,428 million versus US$2,442 million in the year-ago period. Showing strong year-over-year improvements, IFRS Lease & Operate and Turnkey segment revenues came in at US$770 million and US$2,658 million, up 16% and 49% respectively.

The substantial difference between IFRS and Directional1 revenue is largely attributable to the elimination of the revenue recognized under IFRS on the finance lease projects Cidade de Ilhabela, Cidade de Paraty, N’Goma and Cidade de Maricá & Saquarema. All of these lease contracts are treated under IAS 17 as outright sales projects with deferred payments.

Net debt as of September 30, 2013 amounted to US$2,516 million compared to US$1,816 million at the end of 2012 reflecting significant investments in the ongoing lease and operate projects. The Company ended the quarter with cash and cash equivalent balances of US$276 million versus US$715 million at the end of 2012. Committed, undrawn credit facilities stood at US$820 million, which compares to US$1,300 million as of December 31, 2012.

Capital expenditure and investments on finance lease contracts through the third quarter of 2013 amounted to a combined total of US$719 million.

During the third quarter a project loan of US$600 million for FPSO N’Goma was secured from a consortium of international banks at a weighted average cost of debt of 4.7%.


Project Review

FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela (Brazil)

Construction of FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela progressed, with refurbishment and conversion at the Chinese shipyard completed. The vessel set sail for Brazil in early November where construction of the process modules at the Brasa yard continues in anticipation of the arrival of the FPSO and start-up of the facility expected in the second half of 2014.

FPSO Cidade de Paraty (Brazil)

FPSO Cidade de Paraty has been formally on hire since June 7, 2013. Subsequently, the unit has successfully achieved the contract milestone for start-up of gas compression and gas processing.

FPSO Stones (US Gulf of Mexico)

As announced on July 23, 2013, SBM Offshore signed a contract with Shell Offshore Inc. to supply and lease a Floating Production Storage and Offloading facility (FPSO) for the Stones development project in the Gulf of Mexico. The charter contract includes an initial period of 10 years with future extension options up to a total of 20 years. When installed at almost 3 kilometers of water depth, the FPSO Stones will be the deepest offshore production facility of any type in the world.

FPSO OSX-2 (Brazil)

The Company announced the successful delivery as per contract in early September. SBM Offshore has no further financial exposure to the client.

Deep Panuke (Canada)

The Deep Panuke platform has been producing sales gas since early August. Production levels of around 200 MMcf/d have been achieved, however this is below full production capacity of 300 MMcf/d. The team is currently debottlenecking the system with the intention of bringing the platform to full production capacity safely. In the meantime, a partial day rate arrangement applies. A further update will be provided once full production acceptance has been achieved.


Management Change

Further to our announcement of November 7, 2013, Bruno Chabas, CEO, has temporarily taken over the role of COO. The Company is addressing the way the role is structured in the future. In the interim, the Company is fortunate to have an excellent group of senior managers who are taking on various aspects of the role.


Divestment Update

In November the Company agreed to the sale of the DSCV SBM Installer, a newbuild Diving Support and Construction Vessel (DSCV), to Daya Vessels Limited for US$180 million in cash. The transaction will close in Q1 2014.

The sale and lease back of real estate in Monaco remains on track with completion expected by year end.