SBM Offshore marks UN World Oceans Day 2022, installs reef balls in Nova Scotia for development of marine ecosystems

SBM Offshore marks UN World Oceans Day 2022, installs reef balls in Nova Scotia for development of marine ecosystems

Today, on UN World Oceans Day, SBMers around the globe take the opportunity to reflect on the role that the oceans play in connecting, sustaining, and supporting us. For all of us at SBM Offshore, the oceans are extremely important, as they are at the core of our business.

Reef Balls Project
We are working hard to support SDG14, ‘Life Below Water’, by setting long-term targets to help protect the oceanic ecosystem. Among other initiatives, one example of the actions we take is the Deep Panuke decommissioning project, where we have supported the installation of reef balls that stimulate life below water in the harbor around the decommissioning yard. Earlier this year SBM Offshore installed 286 reef balls in clusters in the waters of Sheet Harbor, Nova Scotia, providing a habitat for a variety of marine species including the endangered Atlantic salmon. The man-made additions, built by the local Mi’kmaq community, were placed at 6 sites at 2 locations, in the inner and outer harbor.