SBM Offshore Receives DNV Statement of Qualified Technology for Carbon Capture Solution

SBM Offshore Receives DNV Statement of Qualified Technology for Carbon Capture Solution

Classification society DNV acting as third party has issued a statement of qualified technology to SBM Offshore for its carbon capture plant or CO2 capture solution for FPSOs developed in partnership with MHI. The statement verifies that the designated technology is feasible for the intended application and that the technical claims are adequately substantiated. The statement is valid until 15 September 2027. 

This represents another milestone for SBM Offshore and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) in the maturity of the Carbon Capture Technology to be deployed on SBM Offshore’s EmissionZERO® FPSO.  

The application was achieved thanks to the SBM Offshore-MHI partnership and the key support of Sulzer Chemtech. 

This announcement follows the press release issued on 15 September 2023 of the partnership between MHI and SBM Offshore confirming the technical feasibility and commercial readiness of CO2 capture technology. (See release here).  

SBM Offshore continues to be committed to reducing emissions through its EmissionZERO® program.