SBM Offshore scores as industry leader in DJSI – making Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2016/17 for 7th time

For the seventh consecutive year, SBM Offshore is delighted to announce that the Company has been selected to be part of the respected Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for 2016/2017. In particular, SBM Offshore is pleased to be recognized as an industry leader in the Energy Equipment and Services sector with a score of 81 out of 100.

SBM Offshore Chief Governance and Compliance Officer Erik Lagendijk commented: “Being part of the DJSI index once again is an important acknowledgement of the Group’s consistently high standards and achievements to date. Reaching this level of industry leadership is an additional motivation to further our governance and compliance goals. Our commitment to embed sustainable development in our business and Company culture for the long term continues. To be selected is a testimony to all our employees’ efforts across each DJSI category and we can be justly proud.”

The DJSI requires companies to strive for a balance when approaching sustainability in their operations. The assessment considers issues like greenhouse gas emissions, flaring, production of waste, occupational health and safety as well as supply chain management. Also appraised are ethics and integrity, human rights and local development elements.

For additional information on the DJSI please visit: