SBM Offshore scores – making Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 5th time

For the fifth consecutive year SBM Offshore is delighted to announce that the Company has been selected to be part of the respected Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) for 2014/2015. To be recognised alongside prominent companies in the ‘World’ category such as AlcatelLucent, Caterpillar and Unilever as well as clients like ENI, Statoil and Total, sector peers like Halliburton and Technip, underlines the prestige of the Index.

The DJSI follows a best-in-class approach, including companies across all industries that outperform their peers in numerous sustainability metrics. SBM’s score for 2014 stands at 66 on a scale of 100, compared to the industry average of 44 and the industry leader at 75. Versus last year, the Company shows an increase of 6%, with the rise mainly related to improved performance in the environmental and economic dimensions.

Improved disclosure on taxes in country and on the tax risk profile was rewarded with a high score and Industry Best score of 81 in the Tax Strategy category. The Company received Industry Best scores on Talent Attraction & Retention (79) and Releases to Environment (100), reflecting continuous focus on improving transparency on the Environmental and Social dimensions.

The DJSI requires companies to strive for a balance when approaching sustainability in their operations. The assessment considers issues like greenhouse gas emissions, flaring, production of waste, occupational health & safety and supply chain management. Also appraised are ethics & integrity, human rights and local development elements. All of which are particularly pertinent to our company’s business in emerging economies like Angola and Brazil.
Sustainability Director Sebastiaan de Ronde Bresser says “”The inclusion of SBM Offshore in the DJSI is an important acknowledgement of our continuous efforts to integrate social and environmental objectives within our business goals. This is a very gratifying result of which we can be justly proud. Our commitment to embed sustainable development in our business and culture for the long term remains high on our agenda”.

SBM Offshore integrates sustainability in all its activities, including Technology and Operations and continues to improve its sustainability performance across the full lifecycle in our sector.

Some of this past year’s sustainable activities in include:
• Inauguration of the Company’s first ‘Life Day’ when over 15,000 employees in 40 SBM worldwide locations stood down to concentrate on safety and health issues
• Exceeded stringent local content requirements set by the Brazilian authorities
• The company’s joint venture shipyard, Brasa in Rio, Brazil has many sustainable strategies for its operations including an SOS bay emergency plan
• The company’s joint venture shipyard Paenal in Angola employs over 85% Angolan nationals and built a school to educate 350 local children in the Kwanza Sul region

For additional information on the DJSI please visit: and