Video update on Fast4Ward™ – for better performance, delivered faster

Video update on Fast4Ward™ – for better performance, delivered faster

Watch our video for news on the ground as construction advances on our Fast4Ward™ project

2018 saw SBM Offshore take a leap of growth with its Fast4Ward™ standardization program moving from concept to reality. With a new way of doing business for today and tomorrow’s market, our strategy is to make Fast4Ward™ the industry reference, offering an economically, attractive alternative to clients.

Construction on two FPSO hulls is in progress at a yard in China, as we forge ahead with our transformation business model to fast-track and de-risk projects. A third, multi-purpose floater (MPF) hull is to be ordered in the first quarter 2019, reflecting increasing interest in our solution.

Watch our video to understand why and see more activities at the yard.

Video update on Fast4Ward