WATCH NOW: SBM Offshore progresses well with responsible recycling of the Deep Panuke MOPU

WATCH NOW: SBM Offshore progresses well with responsible recycling of the Deep Panuke MOPU

As part of SBM Offshore’s commitment to the full lifecycle approach to managing assets, over the last year SBM Offshore has been addressing the final lifecycle stage of the Deep Panuke MOPU; responsible recycling. With the responsible recycling approach, SBM Offshore reduces its environmental footprint and at the same time invests in local communities. See the video below to view the latest scenes from the recycling yard and hear from SBMers closely involved in the project.

Deep Panuke was disconnected in 2020, having been producing in the waters offshore Novia Scotia, Canada since 2013. Now, SBM Offshore and our partners are working to decommission and responsibly recycle the platform.

All of the activities surrounding the recycling project have adhered to highest standards, not only in terms of health and safety, but also environmental management. With its Responsible Recycling Policy SBM Offshore adheres to all international industry standards such as the Hong Kong Convention and EU regulations.

The responsible recycling project has reached roughly the halfway mark in terms of project schedule and the goal is to complete the project by end-2022.