Privacy at SBM Offshore

SBM Offshore is committed to processing personal data in a lawful and professional manner in respect of personal data protection.


This privacy statement relates to the processing of all personal data by SBM Offshore. For more specific information on the processing of personal data of job applicants, employees, and business partners, please see the privacy notices linked below.

Our Commitment to Privacy Principles

The SBM Offshore privacy program is designed to address and meet SBM’s responsibilities under applicable privacy laws in SBM’s worldwide business activities. SBM Offshore is committed to confine the processing of personal data to lawful purposes. SBM Offhore is committed to ensure that the processing of personal data is done with observance of the conditions and principles set by law and that include:

  • purpose limitation (process the data only for a specific and documented purpose)
  • data minimization (keep the data limited to what is strictly needed for the purpose)
  • storage limitation (keep the data no longer than is strictly necessary for the purpose)
  • accuracy and responsiveness (keep the data accurate, complete and up-to-date and respond to requests that individuals may make in respect of their personal data)
  • confidentiality and security safeguards (keep the data confidential and secure, including the observance of cross-border data transfer restrictions), and
  • transparency (openness on what we do and how we handle breaches and complaints).


If you have any questions, please contact Privacy Office