
Health, Safety & Security

At SBM Offshore, we are committed to safeguarding the health, safety and security of our employees, subcontractors, and assets, as well as minimizing the impact of our activities on local ecosystems and communities.

Read our HSSE Policy

At SBM Offshore, we are committed

SBM Offshore is focused on maintaining our high[est] standards of safety management and meeting our safety objectives and commitments. Continuous implementation of HSSE improvement measures, including multiple programs and initiatives deployed over the past years underpin the Company’s ongoing commitment to its published HSSE principles and objectives.


Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)


2023 Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR)

Life 365

The launch of the HSSE Culture program called ‘Life 365’ was kicked off with the first company-wide ‘Life Day’ in 2014. Almost 10,000 people across the globe participated including clients and contractors. This worldwide stand-down from work gave time to every employee to solely concentrate on safety, security, and health, and the protection of Life. Since then, ‘Life Day’ has become an annual event within SBM Offshore, evolving through the years and creating a sense of pride and belonging to a positive, rewarding, and increasingly safe work environment, as well as further embedding our ‘CARE’ value.

Relevant and effective HSSE (Health Safety, Security and Environment) workplace controls and procedures are in place to ensure a safe working environment. These are constantly monitored for effectiveness and enhanced where necessary. HSSE plans cover the full spectrum of the Company’s activities from the onshore offices to the construction yards and on to the fleet of floating production facilities worldwide.